Friday, March 27, 2009

Solly in Florida

Finally getting these Florida photos up, so I can get his 8-month shots, Passover, and some very important video.

The trip to Florida, in photos. (Note the two new teeth!)

First time in the big-boy restaurant high chair.

He was promised some time in the pool, but the weather didn't cooperate. One of many times he put on his suit...

We spent some time in a cool wetland.

Baby alligator! Baby birds!

Lots of birds. Solly loves birds.

Our trip got cut short by a typical Florida downpour. Solly felt more at home in the rain than in the sun!

Finally, it was warm enough for a quick dip in the kiddy pool at Bubbe's place (they don't let babies in the real pool)...

We spent some time at "The Girls", which is technically a store, but it is so much more!

"Wildlife" at "The Girls":

This is Pinky the Parrot, photos taken in honor of our neice, Pinky.

Thanks to Cousin Casey for the cool T.

Next up, Butterfly World.


Butterflies all over us!

Butterfly World was awesome! We could feed lorikeets!

More animals to see!

Finally, in a real pool! Grammy Frieda's place is a bit cooler about the baby thing. Solly LOVED it!

Hanging out with Bubbe!

Hanging out with Poppy!

Hanging out with GG!

Some new meetings: Bev and Grammy Freida.

All in all, a great trip. All the photos are up on Snapfish (see link on the sidebar) if you want to see hundreds more.
Since then, so much has happened! Will work on posts this week.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Before I get started...

As I am organizing photos from our trip to Florida, here are two more from music class.

By the way, before we left, Solly got his first tooth! Then he got another tooth!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our Little Musician

Some cute photos from music class.

Prune juice goatee.

A man and his family.