Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Catching Up: April

April was a more exciting month than March.  For starters, I got a new 'do!  Mira became more and more of a kid, rather than a newborn baby.

Mom and I bought this before Mira was born.  April seemed like the right month to pull it out.  Check out the tail on the tush!

The big event for her was that she started eating solids!  Here's when she took her first bite.  As you can see, Solly helped... with his feet!

The first day she didn't really know what to do, but she liked the spoon.

She ate well enough, but wasn't really that into it.  We kept feeding her, nonetheless.

My little girl was growing up fast!

While she was turning into an "older baby", Solly was becoming a preschooler!

Solly, growing up!

We had some serious fun in April.  Next post will be some of our activities.

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