Thursday, September 22, 2011

Solly Turned THREE!

Solly had a lovely birthday.  Lots of visitors, lots of gifts, and a few parties.  Oh, and a camel!

First, we brought birthday bug cupcakes to Shabbat Camp.

The morning of his birthday, the gift-opening extravaganza.

Note the bike helmet!  Solly got a BIKE!  A balance bike!

The party itself was at the Stewart Heights Pool.  I didn't take enough pictures, believe it or not!  By this time, I was so behind on the blog and my computer had filled with photos and videos, so I started to slow down taking more.  I did get some good ones of the cake portion of the party!

The last birthday event was the riding of the camel.  When Solly turned two I made a big thing about how he could ride a camel at the zoo, but it turned out it was actually a three year old thing.  So for months I had been building him up for this.  I have some video of the actual camel riding, but here are some shots of a fun day at the zoo.

Solly playing with his new doctor kit.  Thanks GG!

The balance bike was a big hit.  Elon has one too, and the boys looked so grown up riding around.  Solly loves to ride it while Daddy walks Babaloo, and Daddy likes how much faster the walk goes!

Ok, July photos done!  Only a few days before the quarter starts, so I've gotta get it done!

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